Rights of Shareholders
Rights of Shareholders and Equitable Treatment of Shareholders
The Company places importance on the protection of the rights of all shareholders without taking any action that will violate or deprive shareholders’ rights. It also strives to conduct business to create added value for shareholders eventually, including treating all shareholders fairly and equally. Therefore, it has been established as a policy and disclosed to the public through various media of the Company to promote, support, and facilitate shareholders to exercise their rights in various matters. This includes the fundamental legal rights, the right to receive essential information, the right to propose an agenda for the shareholders’ meeting, and the nomination of suitable persons to be elected as directors of the Company as well as the right to attend and vote at shareholders’ meetings. The guidelines for exercising such rights are regularly improved and developed for the utmost interests of the shareholders on a regular basis.
The Company has a policy that all directors are required to attend every shareholder’s meeting, except in case of necessity as appropriate. It assigns the Company Secretary to be responsible for conducting the work on the day of the meeting in order to ensure orderliness, transparency, efficiency, and facilitate the shareholders in every meeting allowing shareholders to exercise their rights.